Player who sets a challenge will share a room id/room code with his/her opponent.
On winning both players must update their results in following manner:
(a) if you have won, select ‘I Won’ option and upload winning screenshot of the game. (b) if you have lost, select ‘I Lost’ option. (c) if match is not started and both parties doesn't want to play, select ‘Cancel’ option.
Posting a wrong result after game, will charge you a penalty of ₹20.
User must have to record every game, and if any player is hacking or cheating a game, contact support.
If game is not started, if you haven't played a single move yourself, please show the recording of game to support. Game will be cancelled only if you have recording.
If you don't have any proof against player cheating and error in game, you will be considered as lost.